Benefits of our services to Ship owners

Flexible and fast in our decision making, quick to respond to requests and available to participate at any time. Providing these services has given us an insight into government departments and agencies and the experience and contact to successfully negotiate on behalf of principals.

FWe also fully appreciate how vitally important it is to provide extra special and personal Attention from every outset in order to establish both trust and truly close long-term partnership with our valued clients.

The time-consuming task of recruiting, screening, interviewing selecting, hiring is assumed by us leaving you more time for other areas of Management that contribute of your company’s financial success.

We will provide our services in accordance with a quality assurance system in compliance with ISM code. All services we offered will consistently meet and exceed the requirements of the clients.

These are our assurance you will be working with a group that in permanent, secure and reliable.

Our Experience

We have experienced staffs in fulfilling crew requirements who have vast knowledge of interviewing, training and handling the documents of seafarers and crews.

By advanced company operating methods and management, response time to ship owners, need is shortened through a computer system that matched seafarers to a company and its vessels.

Our database contains particulars of vessels they have worked on.

The checking and verification methods we use make certain the seafarers we supply possess the training, skills and qualification as stated in their certificates and licenses and they meet the STCW 95/10 convention standards as well as the ISM Code.

Pre-Employment Medical Clearances

Before employment we make sure that seafarers must have a medical clearance form medical centers accredited with Department of Shipping.

Examinations and tests are:-
Physical examination, chest x-ray blood count, blood type , urinalysis, stool examination, dental check, psychometric examination, visual acuity and color reception on using the Ishihara test, eudiometry, speech test and an electrocardiogram from those aged 40 and above or when recommended by the examining physician.

Test can be added including drug and alcohol, aids hepatitis antigen, kidney and bladder ultrasound, and others a company requires, as well as vaccinations for seafarers on vessels trading in specific areas.


Our reservation department arranges airline tickets for departing crews. Ticket issued in Bangladesh has flexibility for departure but owners may issue prepaid Ticket Advise (PTA).

Dispatch date Notice of 15 days is normal to dispatch a full crew to a port. War zones take longer to meet an emergency that is, notice of only three days. We maintain record of stand-by a complete crew list of all ratings.

However, arrival time at a joining port may vary depending on visa requirement of the country. In case Bangladesh Seaman require visa for any country, we require the following:


Presently, the Quality Management System of AMSI has been upgraded to ISO 9001:2015 with compliance with International Labor Convention (ILO), 2006 (MLC 2006) as applicable to Recruitment and Placement Services assessed and granted the certification on April 5, 2019 by Global Group of Companies Limited based in Scotland, U.K.